Skilled Nursing: Our caring and knowledgeable nurses help our clients understand and manage a variety of health issues. Our nurses play a critical role in helping people stay out of the hospital, by addressing potential health concerns, before they become more serious. Our nurses will come to your home and help you set up your medications and explain the purpose of those medications. In addition, the nurse will contact your physician and pharmacist to make sure all of your questions and concerns are addressed, and help you manage the side effects of your medications. Our nurses have expertise in wound care as well as common health issues associated with the aging population, such as diabetes, heart disease and pulmonary disease. Our nurses will give you and your caregivers information and instructions on how to best manage these issues.
Occupational Therapy: Our Occupational Therapists help our clients do their daily activities in a safe and easy manner. They give our clients helpful tips on easier ways to do things, which is very important when you have a health issue. This may include educating you on the safest way to bathe, get dressed and make meals. Occupational Therapists also have a lot of knowledge about equipment that can make like easier, such as shower chairs, long handled sponges and other adaptive equipment.
Speech Therapy: Our Speech Therapists go to our client’s homes and identify ways to improve their ability to communicate and/or their ability to eat and swallow. Our Speech Therapists will evaluate how a person communicates and also how he/she is able to swallow. Then the Therapist will make recommendations related to diet and adaptive equipment and may also give you a home exercise program.
Medical Social Work services: Our Medical Social Workers go to our client’s home and give the clients and their family/caregivers information about community resources and services that can help keep seniors safe and more independent in their home. They also have information about income requirements to qualify for local services. Our social workers can also help you cope with life changes that come with the aging process.